All Hallow's Eve
I don't subscribe to the belief that Halloween gives you the de facto right to act any differently than you normally would. Isn't it worse when those around you discover that such behavior was pent up, just waiting for a "socially acceptable" situation to be let out?
Of course, the behavior I'm referring to is an escalation of promiscuity. Isn't it curious that on the one day of the year that you can masquerade as anyone, you don't hear anyone say that they want to be more "respectable" or "intelligent?"
Pumpkin carving isn't a family tradition of ours, but it does seem to be a company tradition of sorts, as I helped carve one at work yesterday for the second year running. Our original intent was a disco-themed Tina Turner, but due to poor planning and the substitution of red tinsel for hair where an afro should have been, our pumpkin resembled Ronald McDonald more than anything else.
Each department was responsible for producing a pumpkin, and they were voted upon today for prizes. I am in awe of the sick creativity behind the winning entry.

Our "Ronald McDonald."

Introducing, "HomeCare Helen!"
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