Shoe Shopping: Flat-out Difficult
Bettina can attest to how many shoe stores we traipsed through while in Montreal last year after being bitten by the "flat bug." Still, due to my more than picky nature when it comes to shoes, I only managed to find a pair I bought as a last resort, and one that I really haven't worn all that often.
With my upcoming Europe trip, I decided a pair of black flats would be indispensible, as I'm planning on a wardrobe to bridge the line between touristy-comfort and casual chic (I never like looking out of place, but as we will be traveling with a tour group, I'm sure I won't be able to escape the "foreigner" label, but I'll do my best). Of course, I'm sure by the time I get there, facing 40 degree temperatures, all careful planning will go out the window, but at least I had some good intentions, right?
Anyway, after a few weeks of shopping, I settled on Steve Madden's Twillo flats, purchased on sale at Da Vinci's in Edmonton City Centre. I figure they're dressy enough to pair with the skirts and dresses I'm bringing along, but casual enough to go with my jeans and capris as well. I've worn them a few times so far, and though the leather soles tend to crunch rocks underneath rather loudly, they've proven to be quite comfortable. The real test will be the state of my feet when I return, so stay tuned!

On the topic of shoes - during one of my last trips to Gravity Pope on Whyte Avenue, the manager talked about an exciting event taking place in late June. Having moved all of their clothing merchandise to a separate location two blocks away, the newly shoe-only store found itself with a lot more space. So much space that they decided they could act as a venue for a play about shoes. Vancouver playwright Elaine Avila's Shoe! asks the question, "Can self-worth be purchased through the perfect pair of shoes?" I'll be finding out the answer next week. More information at TixontheSquare.
I have come to adore flats, yours look cute! Mine are starting to feel like I'm walking without shoes and they are stinky! Was that too much info?
Hehe, no, it's a reality of flats. You could try those pantyhose-like socks though; they may help deter odor a little :).
I haven't tried those socks, have you? I use a foot spray instead. Lisa bought some colourful foot socks from H&M, they are cute but I don't think I'd wear them.
No, I haven't tried the socks either. I think in part due to our abbreviated summer, I try to get away with bare feet as often as possible :)
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