Not the Grouch, but our chinchilla! We inherited Oscar a few years ago from a friend who felt that she couldn't provide him with the attention he deserved.
Chinchillas, native to South America, are nocturnal by nature. Sleeping until 7 in the evening, he wakes up cranky, like any human might. This is in part the reason for his name, though his demeanor overall can be sporadically unpleasant (also par with people).
He adores dried cranberries, almonds, and apple tree branches. He sheds when stressed, and squeaks when threatened. And he despises a certain friend of mine who enjoys torturing him with flicks of water and raisins just out of reach.
Like all pets, he has a distinct personality. One of his previous owners dubbed him an "attention whore," as whenever anyone passes his cage, he rushes out, hungry for a treat or a pat on the head. He's also very smart; anytime anyone even looks sideways at a branch he's chewing on, he quickly yanks it away and tucks it closer to his body.
Unlike other small pets like rabbits or ferrets, however, he isn't easy to cuddle with. My youngest sister is the only one daring enough to take him out of his cage, as she has both the patience and agility to catch him when he inevitably escapes.
Still, it's nice to have him in the house for the simple reason that animals don't discriminate. Whether I'm in a good, bad, or indifferent mood, Oscar will let me scratch his chin, poke his stomach, or shake his tiny hand. Such unconditional reassurance is hard to come by with people sometimes, but with pets, it is always a given, so long as they are treated with respect in return.

Enjoying a scratch.
Holy, thats one giant rat! haha jk! I'm not torturing Oscar - I'm training him for the real world!
I don't think he'd have to deal with teasing in the Andes mountains!
And those are actually older pictures...he's much, erm, larger now.
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