Optimistically Cautious

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year!

As customary, my family got together yesterday for a meal together on Chinese New Year's Eve.

Hot pot!

This morning, my Mum and I went to the temple to make an offering to the gods (apparently done to counteract the bad luck expected during your year of the Zodiac). Was it ever chaotic. It did, however, make me wish I understood some of the traditions better; I honestly felt at times like a small child, needing the adults to explain certain things to me (though really, the fact that Cantonese was the language of choice didn't help me much either). It also made me realize how lucky I was to belong to the Chinese Bilingual program, because an annual celebration, complete with firecrackers and lion dances, were a given. Now, out of school, I need to make the conscious effort to participate in such events.

Wishing everyone celebrating this weekend a Happy Chinese New Year!



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